Considering Tubal Reversal? here Are the basics

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As you’ve no doubt experienced lots of times, the web is an massive platform for health information, advice, opinions, and more. but at the same time, it’s also a potential source of misinformation and misunderstandings. and one topic that vividly illustrates both the reliable and unreliable sides of the web is tubal reversal.

Naturally, no post — including this one – can tell you everything you need to know, or encourage you on how (or how not) to proceed. Ultimately, you’ll need to speak with your OB/GYN. Yet with this in mind, there is some basic fundamental information that you can start learning now; especially considering that as noted above, there is plenty of incomplete, misinformed and just plain wrong information out there. knowing the facts can keep you safe and make the research process straightforward instead of stressful.

What is Tubal Reversal?

A tubal reversal procedure (also known as “microturboplasty”) re-opens tubes that have been blocked as a result of tubal ligation (sometimes referred to as “getting your tubes tied”). The goal is to restore your natural ability to become pregnant.

How is Tubal Reversal Done?

As noted by WebMD, a small incision is made on each side of the tube just beyond the blockages. This is known as a “bikini cut.” Microscopic instruments are then attached to a laparascope (a small lighted scope), which enables your microsurgeon to remove any rings/clips that were used to block your tubes, and then reconnect them using miniscule stiches. The entire procedure typically lasts 2-3 hours, and general anesthesia is used.

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Are You a good candidate for Tubal Reversal?

Ultimately, your OB/GYN and microsurgeon will confirm whether you’re a good candidate (note that some OB/GYN’s with specialized and certified training are also qualified to do tubal reversal surgery). Generally, tubal reversal may be safe and advisable if:

You have at least 1” of tube coming out of your uterus.

You have at least 2.5” of residual tube.

You have a normal fimbriated end to the tube.

You have a sufficient number of eggs in your ovaries.

Your male partner (or sperm donor) has a sufficient sperm count.

Are You Guaranteed to get pregnant After Tubal Reversal?

In a word: no. Tubal reversal won’t guarantee pregnancy. However, supplied that the surgery is successful and there are no issues or risks that emerge, the pregnancy rate is between 40-85% in the first year. You can also start having intercourse with your partner within about a month after the surgery (again, supplied that there are no issues and your healing is complete).

Talk to Your OB/GYN

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: while it’s smart to do your research on the web — because you can undoubtedly discover quite a bit of helpful and reliable information — remember that only your OB/GYN can supply you with detailed, accurate answers to all of your questions. he or she will make sure that you have the facts you need to make a safe and informed decision on what’s best for your health, and your family and lifestyle goals.

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