Mind/Body Chemistry 401

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Think of our physical body as a sovereign specify with resident cells, being the societal members of an organic republic. Each planetary cell has a function as well as works for the unity of all interdependent cells, living a genetic, evolutionary as well as environmental lifestyle. communication between the cells is our body’s ever present moment. Every cell is equipped with the exact same intelligence; being born everyday, they online as well as die everyday. Our total intelligence is duplicated in every cell. This chromosomal intelligence is traceable back to the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. These genetic programs go back to a fresh water fish with legs as well as lungs 365 million years ago. The Earth’s plant as well as animal organisms, throughout evolutionary time, share one thing in common. all of us have mom Nature’s genes for a healthy DNA mind as well as body life. It doesn’t matter what plant or animal we talk about, all of God’s kids online this natural energy as well as nutrient lifestyle. All except contemporary humanity, who are suffering from these unnatural, civilized degenerative diseases.

The Earth’s surface is ¾’s water, which evaporates heavy steam into the equatorial atmosphere. These atmospheric heavy steam clouds strike snow onto our mountains; the melting fresh water then journeys back to the oceans. This distribution system produces life as well as quenches the thirst on earth for water. Water is a medium, the environmental substance, for our evolutionary functions. This genetic experience begins in water as well as while alive, continues in water; every cell is mainly composed of as well as lives in water. The primary component in our life, our body is ¾’s water. energy as well as nutrients are available in water; energy as well as nutrients fuel the body’s functions for a healthy mind as well as body life. Each organism needs water, energy as well as nutrients as well as we depend upon the planet’s ageless food chain. Nature’s “continuum concept” is accountable for this planet’s food chain. This planetary way of life waters as well as feeds organic life; it’s a constant health and wellness plan without any premiums. The only demand is the usage of these seasonal produced bundles of energetic nutrient waters. These are the planetary foods as well as they are extremely different from these contemporary prominent quick foods.

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Nature’s foods are naturally right as well as these authentic planetary foods are organically light. containing an abundance of water, they are  jammed packed with energy as well as nutrients. These seasonal watery foods are simple to recognize; they nourish life everyday as well as for millions of years on our planet. trust Nature as well as all the earthly foods created each year. This nourishment sustains plant as well as animal life; it’s a continuation, going on Earth. trust a banana; its intelligence is a genetic program. The Earth’s food is intelligently designed for the planet’s wildlife. No matter what science says, these quick food products will never have genetic programs as well as will always be toxins to the body. Endotoxins, cellular squander products, as well as exotoxins, absorbed non-nutritive materials, are processed for elimination out of our bodies. Or, they are kept as well as ended up being major contributors to the present obesity in our society today. The liver is the body’s most important organ for detoxification, cleansing the blood from impurities, working together with the kidneys as well as lungs.

Foods understood to cleanse the liver are likewise foods that nourish the liver. In fact, Nature’s foods are the foods for the Earth’s wildlife. Humankind is part of Nature’s wildlife as well as we are designed to online the exact same way of life as all the other planetary beings of Earth. Why do we select to eat the heavy foods of contemporary technology? Why do we smoke twenty cigarettes a day? No person will ever understand why, addictions are not genetic; they are just habits, poor habits of our egos. like is the only genuine cure. Heal self, our mind as well as body self, with the like from our own hearts. like yourself with Nature’s like as well as be healthy as well as light. The other option is, dislike yourself, being unnatural with the heaviness of our contEmurale mesterséges túlélés.

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