QUICK & healthy baby breakfast ideas [6-18 MONTHS]

Yes, we all know, breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day. We’ve all heard it over and over. but for little one’s breakfast really is important. It sets up how everything will flow the rest of the day; however, oftentimes our mornings are rushed.

Parents getting ready for work, kids getting ready for school or daycare, everyone has to be out of the house by a certain time, and breakfast can be a real trouble spot. We’ve put together some quick and healthy baby breakfast ideas, from puree to small eats, that are easy to throw together or meal prep ahead of time.

Purees (Generally 6 – 9 Months)

If you’ve gotten the go ahead from the pediatrician, six months is the start of solid foods. There are three types of purees for healthy baby breakfast ideas:

Stage 1 – pure pureed in which the food is liquid smooth
Stage 2 – food is slightly thicker in consistency
Stage 3 – food has chunks

Depending on how well your baby sits up figures out which stage you must use. all of these stages can be achieved in a food processor. The benefits of making your own baby food is many but also time saving. You can make a large patch and freeze it, or you can simply puree whatever you are having. here are a few puree baby breakfast ideas:

Fruit of Your ChoiceIngredients: 2 whatever fruit you want, ½ cup formula or breastmilk

Instructions:Add desired fruit (these can be frozen fruits) and cook 7-10 minutes until soft

Place in food processor, add formula/breastmilk, and puree until desired consistency

Cinnamon Pear Oatmeal

Ingredients: 2 pears, ¼ cup of old-fashioned oats, pinch of cinnamon, 1 cup water

Cinnamon Pear Oatmeal Instructions:
Peel, core, and chop pears
Combine all ingredients in medium saucepan and heat on medium for 10 minutes until pears are tender, stir occasionally
Place in food processor and puree until desired consistency
Substitute apple or banana for different oatmeal flavors

Peach, Mango & Carrot

Ingredients: 2 peaches
2 mangos
4 carrots
½ cup formula or breastmilk

Peel and chop the carrots
Place carrots and formula or milk into medium saucepan
Cover and heat on medium for 10 minutes
Add peach and mangos (these can be frozen fruits) and cook an additional 3-5 minutes until soft
Place in food processor and puree until desired consistency

You can substitute any fruits and vegetables just remember to cook them down before pureeing. Some ideas to consider:

Apple, blackberry, and kale
Strawberry, apple, and banana
Banana and avocado
Apple, blueberries, spinach
Strawberry, peach, rice cereal

Click here for homemade baby food recipes for baby breakfast ideas!

Finger Foods (Generally 7 – 12 months)

As your baby grows you may notice signs are they are ready for finger foods. They will become a lot more and a lot more interested in your food. nearly anything healthy with a soft texture makes a great finger food.

Small pieces of cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and round cereals or cereals puffs are great options. remember your food choices must be easily able to be gummed as your baby probably doesn’t have all their teeth yet. here are a few finger food baby breakfast ideas:

Whole Grain, Protein, and Fruit Plate

Puffs or O-shaped cereals are a great base and easily dissolve in your baby’s mouth. As your baby gets bigger and is able to chew you can step toward bites of breads such as waffles and muffins.

Protein: can be some form of cheese, avocado, or eggs. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends early introduction of allergenic foods to stop food allergies.

Soft fruits including bananas, pears, peaches, watermelon, cantaloupe, and berries.

Some ideas to consider:

Puffs, eggs, and banana
Cheerios, eggs, and pears
Pancake bites, eggs, and peaches
Muffin bites, avocado, and berries

Applesauce Pancakes


1 cup of flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
¾ cup applesauce
2 beaten eggs
½ cup milk (whole or breastmilk)

Mix all ingredients
Heat a nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat
Spray griddle with nonstick spray
Pour batter into small circle
Let cook until edges are set and bubbles start to appear.
Flip and cook another 2-3 minutes.

Blueberry and Banana Zucchini Muffins


1 cup of mashed banana
1 cup of grated zucchini (packed and squeezed dry)
½ cup whole milk or breastmilk
½ cup butter (melted)
2 tojás
1½ cups flour
¼ cup brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
grease tiny muffin tin
combine banana, zucchini, milk, butter and eggs add flour, brown sugar, baking powder, and cinnamon; add blueberries;
Pour in muffin tin
Bake for 22 – 28 minutes
Cool on wire rack.

Eggs and Cheese breakfast Quesadillas


½ tsp olive oil
2 tojás
Small (8-inch) tortillas
¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese


Heat a nonstick pan over medium-low heat
Adj hozzá olajat
Scramble the eggs and transfer to plate
Place tortilla in pan
Sprinkle cheese
Placed cooked eggs over cheese
Top with remaining cheese
Cook until bottom of tortilla is brown and cheese starts to melt
Cover with other tortilla and flip, cook until other side is brown.

Once your baby can eat smaller bites, consider adding beans, spinach, avocado, or ham to the quesadillas.

Spoonfuls (Generally 12+ Months)

Most babies don’t fully grasp feeding themselves with a spoon until after their first birthday. However, some babies will start to grasp for spoons around 10 months, so if you think they are ready to give it a try start with thicker foods like yogurt, overnight oats, nut butter, or cottage cheese.

Fruit Overnight Oats

½ cup of rolled oats
4 oz of your choice of fruit puree
1-3 tbsp of whole or breastmilk
pinch of cinnamon

Combine all ingredients
Place in an airtight container and place in the fridge overnight.

Whole Grain, Protein, and Fruit Plate

Whole grain: cereal, overnight oats, pancakes, waffles, or muffinsProtein: cottage cheese, yogurt, or nut butter

Soft fruits including bananas, pears, peaches, watermelon, cantaloupe, and berries.

Some ideas to consider:Puffs, cottage cheese, and strawberries

Cheerios, peanut butter, and banana

Banana overnight oats and yogurt

Muffin bites, almond butter, and berries

Small Eats (12 – 18+ Months)

Once your baby has mastered chewing, the sky is the limit on breakfast.

Sweet Potato Toast

2 tbsp cooked
Mashed sweet potato (pureed if desired)
1 slice of whole grain bread
Brown sugar optional

Lightly toast bread (you can also cook it on a griddle if you like toast that way)
Warm sweet potato
Spread on toast
Sprinkle brown sugar over top.

PB&J Waffle Sandwiches

Waffles with peanut butter, banana and strawberry jam
2 tbsp peanut butter
2 tbsp fruit puree of choice (strawberry apple is popular option)
2 waffles (frozen or homemade)

Heat waffles
Spread peanut butter on one
Place Banana on Top
Spread jelly on other, mash together.
Bonus points: use cookie cutter to make fun shapes.

Mixed Berries and Granola Bark

3 cups of mixed berries (cut up)
2 cups of plain yogurt
3 tbsp of honey
½ cup of granola

Line baking sheet with parchment paper
In a food processor add 2 cups of berry mix, yogurt, and honey
Blend until smooth
Pour mixture over baking sheet and spread evenly
Sprinkle remaining berries and granola
Place in freezer for 4 hours
Remove and break into pieces.

Baby breakfast ideas on building a balanced Meal

Once your baby has reached self-serving eating, coming up with breakfast ideas can seem like a challenge. However, babies at this age can eat whatever you eat. Don’t feel you need to make extra food just for your baby. planning ahead can save you time and stress. like adults, babies need balanced meals. follow this guide to a balanced meal:

Carbohydrates – your baby will need a whole grain, fruit, or starchy vegetable
Protein – meat, eggs, or dairy to help your baby grown and feel full longer
Healthy fats – avocado, nut butter, eggs, and whole milk to help proper brain development
Produce – fruits and vegetables of all shapes and colors for vitamins

Check out related articles below that have a lot more information on baby breakfast ideas!

Homemade baby Food Recipes

Best baby Food Maker- 7 of the best models available

7 healthy Homemade baby Food Shortcuts

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